At Back in Motion Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Centre, our professionals use a variety of services to treat your injuries, dizziness, fitness issues, or other pain problems. Our professionals are committed to updating our skills and keeping up with the ever changing rehabilitation field.
Acupuncture is not new; as a healing technique it has been studied and utilized for more than 2,500 years. Using ancient scientific principles, acupuncture treats illness by bringing a person’s body into harmony, into balance, into homeostasis. Here, in North America, acupuncture began to flourish during the Cultural Revolution in China; since 1974.
Physiotherapists and chiropractors in Ontario can use acupuncture to treat their clients with the proper training. This means inserting small needles into specific points in the body to stimulate healing, reduce pain, and help the treatment process.
At Back in Motion, our professionals have been trained at the Acupuncture Foundation of Canada Institute (AFCI).
The AFCI understands that western health practitioners (like physiotherapists) have a wealth of knowledge of medicine, anatomy and physiology and it uses this base and links it to the ancient science of acupuncture. Our training does not make us Practitioners of Traditional Chinese Medicine but physiotherapists trained in the use of acupuncture. We invite you to follow this link to find out more about acupuncture and its role in western medicine.
This website has information on the latest research regarding acupuncture and its effectiveness in various conditions.Your physiotherapist uses the skills learned at AFCI to treat conditions that are within the scope of practice of physiotherapists.
That means we can use acupuncture treatment, if it is appropriate for you, to treat conditions such as the ones below:
- Myofascial pain
- Post Herpetic or trigeminal Neuralgia
- Post-Surgical Pain
- Complex Regional Pain Syndrome/Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy
- Fibromyalgia
- Neck disorders
- Cluster headache, migraine headache, cervical headache or myofascial headache
- Low back pain
- Back pain
- Neck pain
- Osteoarthritis: knee, hip, etc
- Tendonitis
- Tennis elbow
- Whiplash
- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
It is important to note that acupuncture is one aspect of the physiotherapist’s treatment. Your therapist may choose to use other techniques as well to help you recover from your injury or improve you physical condition.
What is Active Release Techniques (ART)?
Active Release techniques treatment is a hands-on touch and case-management system that allows a practitioner to diagnose and treat soft-tissue injuries. Soft tissue refers primarily to muscle, tendon, fascia, and nerves. Headache, back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, shin splints, shoulder pain, sciatica, plantar fasciitis, knee problems are just a few of the many conditions that can be resolved quickly and permanently with ART. These conditions all have important thing in common: they are often a result of overused muscles.
How do overuse conditions occur?
Over-used muscles (and other soft tissues) change in three important ways:
- acute conditions (pulls, tears, collisions, etc),
- accumulation of small tears (micro-trauma)
- not getting enough oxygen (hypoxia).
Each of these factors can cause your body to produce tough, dense scar tissue in the affected area. This scar tissue binds up and ties down tissues that need to move freely. As scar tissue builds up, muscles become shorter and weaker, tension on tendons causes tendonitis, and nerves can become trapped. This can cause reduced range of motion, loss of strength, and pain. If a nerve is trapped you may also feel tingling, numbness, and weakness.
What is an ART treatment like?
Every ART session is actually a combination of examination and treatment. The ART provider uses his or her hands to evaluate the texture, tightness and movement of muscles, fascia, tendons, ligaments and nerves. Abnormal tissues are treated by combining precisely directed tension with very specific patient movements.
These treatment protocols – over 500 specific moves – are unique to ART. They allow providers to identify and correct the specific problems that are affecting each individual patient. ART is not a cookie-cutter approach.
What is Chiropractic?
Chiropractic is a primary contact health care profession concerned with the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of injuries relating to the musculoskeletal system.
An initial treatment session involves a thorough medical history, and physical examination. The goal of which is to identify the painful structure and to identify aberrant movement patterns that are typically the root of ones pain.
Subsequent treatment sessions involve an integrated approach to treatment, tailored to the specific needs of the patient. Integrated treatments combine a variety of manual techniques in order to address all components of an injury. The various techniques include: ART, Graston Technique, acupuncture, modalities (IFC, microcurrent, Ultrasound, TENS, VMTX), active rehab, and joint manipulations.
Chiropractic care is effective at treating all regions of the body including shoulders, elbows, wrists, hands, feet, knees, hips, back, and neck. Examples of specific injuries that chiropractic treat effectively are muscle strains, ligaments sprains, shin splints, runners knee, jumpers knee, plantar fasciitis, achilles tendinopathy, tennis elbow, golfers elbows, carpal tunnel, swimmers shoulder, and rotator cuff injuries.
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What is Graston Technique?
The Graston Technique incorporates a patented form of instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization that enables clinicians to effectively detect and treat scar tissue and restrictions that affect normal function.
What are the instruments?
The instruments are stainless steel patented by Graston Technique. They are shaped to mold to various contours of the body. This design allows for ease of treatment, and maximum tissue penetration.
The Graston Technique instruments much like a tuning fork resonate in the clinician’s hands allowing the clinician to isolate adhesions and restrictions, and treat them very precisely. Since the metal surface of the instruments does not compress as do the fat pads of the finger, deeper restrictions can be accessed and treated. When explaining the properties of the instruments we often use the analogy of a stethoscope. Just as a stethoscope amplifies what the human ear can hear, the instruments significantly what the human hands can feel.
What is Graston Technique treatment like?
The Graston Technique instruments are used to enhance the clinician’s ability to detect adhesions, scar tissue or restrictions in the affected areas. Skilled clinicians use the stainless steel instruments to comb over and “catch” on fibrotic tissue, which immediately identifies the areas of restriction. Once the tissue has been identified, the instruments are used to break up the scar tissue so it can be absorbed by the body.
Within the physiotherapy profession, manual therapy is defined as a clinical approach utilizing skilled, specific hands-on techniques, including but not limited to manipulation/mobilization, used by the physiotherapist to diagnose and treat soft tissues and joint structures for the purpose of reducing pain; increasing range of motion; reducing or eliminating soft tissue inflammation; improving tissue repair; facilitating movement; and improving function.
Manual therapy is performed with the hands of the therapist directly contact with the body to treat the muscle, joint or other soft tissues.
Men and women both can be affected by pelvic floor problems. This can cause urine or bowel leaking or urgency and pain in the vulva, lower abdomen, scrotum, penis, even lower back and hips. There are options for treatment. For more information please check out the Canadian Continence foundation’s website:
At Back in Motion, Céline Razeau, Physiotherapist, has training in the assessment and treatment of the pelvic floor. She has been treating people with pelvic floor issues for over 10 years now and continues to learn new treatment techniques to stay up to date in her approach. She will treat your problem with care and respect and take your concerns seriously.
Bladder control problems and pelvic pain can occur at any age but there are times when we are more prone to developing or having a problem get worse:
- At or soon after menopause
- In older age when mobility is lost
- During pregnancy or childbirth
- After an accident or injury to the abdomen, back or pelvis
- After surgery or treatments for cancers like prostate or vulvar cancer
- After other types of abdominal surgeries or infections
- From conditions that cause inflammation in the abdomen and pelvis like PCOS, IBS, Colitis, or Endometriosis.
What is pelvic rehabilitation?
Céline Razeau will do a thorough assessment of your condition including a complete history of your problem. She will ask you questions regarding how and when the problem started and get the details about what exactly you are experiencing. Pelvic floor rehabilitation involves an assessment of the pelvic floor. This will usually include an internal exam (vaginal and or anal exam).This helps your therapist to understand where the problem is. She may also assess your abdominal muscles and fascia, your low back and your hips to see if there are any other factors affecting your pelvic function.
The treatment will be specific to the problems that were found in your assessment and may include:
- exercise training for strength, endurance, control and timing of contraction, or even relaxation of an over-active muscle
- keeping a voiding diary
- re-learning to use the proper muscles in the proper way
- behavioural (habits) changes
- manual therapy such as lymphatic drainage or fascial mobilization to help with tissue or scar mobility.
Physiotherapy is a health profession with the aim of assisting people with physical problems causing pain, disability, movement problems decrease pain, regain their function and independence, and prevent injury.
What is physiotherapy?
Physiotherapy is the fifth largest regulatory health profession in Canada. Physiotherapists in Ontario hold a Bachelor’s or a Master’s degree in physiotherapy and must complete a national board examination to obtain their physiotherapy license. Physiotherapist manage and prevent many physical problems caused by illness, disability and disease, sport and work related injuries, aging and long periods of inactivity. The Ontario physiotherapy Association has more information on physiotherapy in the province and its benefits follow the links for more information:
How does physiotherapy work?
When you see a physiotherapist at Back in Motion Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Centre, he or she will complete a thorough assessment that may include your health history, evaluation of pain and movement patterns, strength, joint range of motion, neurological examination, posture and mobility of your spine and of the involved area of your body. They may also examine relevant x-rays, laboratory tests, medical records and surgical notes. Based on this assessment the physiotherapist develops a diagnosis and work in partnership with you to plan individualized goals and treatment program.
Some treatment options at Back in Motion may include:
- mobilizations and/or manipulations of joints and spine
- strengthening and flexibility exercises
- correcting posture and ergonomics (workplace or home set up)
- electrical modalities such as electrical muscle stimulation, TENS or EMG biofeedback
- ultrasound
- gait and balance retraining, and movement coordination
- acupuncture
- applying tape to correct joint alignment and muscle imbalance
Physiotherapists promote independence, including emphasis on how you can help yourself. For example you may be shown exercises to correct your posture or advice on how to set up your work environment to avoid reoccurrences.
How will I know if it’s working?
Be sure to use your time with the physiotherapist to discuss how you responded to previous treatments, how well you are tolerating your home exercises, and whatever concerns you may have about your treatment thus far. This is necessary to ensure progress is being made and to modify future treatment sessions.
Shockwave Therapy is a non-invasive alternative to surgery for those suffering from many chronic joint and tendon disorders. Shockwave sends acoustic shock waves into bone or soft tissue, in effect reinjuring the area on a microscopic level and breaking up the scarring in injured tendons and ligaments. This controlled reinjuring of tissue allows the body to regenerate without the building up more scar tissue. This is because the reinjury is cause at a cellular level or “micro-injury”, therefore not resulting in swelling, bruising and inflammation caused by a less controlled “macro-injury”. This minimizes scar tissue formation in the area.
Many people with soft tissue injuries can benefit from this therapy. Shockwave Therapy provides a safe, non-surgical alternative for those suffering from hip pointers; sacroiliac joint, rotator cuff, elbow, patella and Achilles tendinopathies and plantar fasciitis.
At BACK IN MOTION Dr. Eric Nielsen, DC provides Shockwave therapy using protocols that typically, causes patients to feel less pain after treatment as is not always the case with other treatment protocols. He provides Shockwave at competitive rates. Call today for more information regarding our new shockwave therapy treatment protocols.
At Back in Motion Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Centre in Cornwall, our three physiotherapists, Eric Mageau, Céline Razeau and Céline Clément, are all qualified to assess and treat your sports related injuries. Eric Neilsen, chiropractor, has a special interest in sports therapy. He is a qualified ART provider, and he performs individual golf and running clinics to help you prevent injuries. Carolyn Cormier RMT is also a qualified ART provider and will be happy to help you reduce your muscle pain and to promote healing after your sports related injuries.
Your therapist will get the details of how you were hurt and of your medical history. He or she will also complete a thorough physical assessment to determine the exact cause of your pain. Be sure to dress so that your therapist can see the injury and you can move comfortably. After your assessment is complete, your Back in Motion therapist will explain to you what your problem is and explain how you can best get back to your sport and your lifestyle quickly and safely.
Your sports injury treatment may include:
- Sports specific and research based exercises
- Joint manipulation or mobilization
- Taping techniques to support the injured joint or tissue
- Advice on how to return to your sport safely
- Posture or technique correction for your sport
- Heat and or cold therapy
- Electrotherapy – stimulation of nerve and muscle with electrical impulses or muscle biofeedback to improve muscle balance
- Ultrasound – to promote optimal tissue healing
- Referral to one of our other therapists with different areas of special interest ( we strive to work as a team to assist you in your recovery)
- Referral to your doctor for testing (like X-rays) if needed.
Remember, sports therapy should not simply be something that is done “to you”… It must be a team effort. It requires active participation and it requires feedback to the therapist to fine tune the treatment. It requires time just like training for a new sport – think of the sports therapist as a trainer or coach. You will get the best results when your therapist is working with you at each and every session and you are actively participating in the treatment, follow-up exercises and progress of the program.
How do I know when I need therapy?
Not all sports injuries are obvious and easy to recognize. Are you having pain while you play or after you play your sport? Is that pain different from the normal discomfort that comes from playing hard and using your muscles?
If your pain doesn’t improve quickly, if it recurs every time you play, if it prevents you from playing as well as you know you can or if it stops you from doing your normal activities outside of sports.
You probably have a chronic sports injury or a repetitive strain type injury. Chronic injuries occur over time and are usually caused by poor technique or overuse of a specific body tissue. It may even be aggravated by poor movement patterns and postures at work or home causing excessive stress on tissues that then can’t stand up to the extra strain of your sport. Your Back in Motion therapist can help you correct your technique, reduce the strain and get back to your normal level of play as soon as possible.
Don’t ignore pain. It’s best to isolate the cause(s) early to prevent further, more serious injury.
Acute injuries are easier to recognize because they are sudden and the pain is new and unusual. (Like after a hit, fall, or twist like from a bad hit against the boards in hockey or a fall skiing).
Acute injuries often need therapy at some point in the healing process. Severe injuries will likely need medical attention first to rule out serious injury such as broken bones, ligaments tears, or internal bleeding. Ask you doctor if and when you should begin your physiotherapy.
Very minor injuries often resolve in one or two days with the RICE principle (rest, ice, compression, elevation) and can be safely treated at home. If the minor injury doesn’t improve in 1-2 days with RICE, if it worsens, or recurs when you resume sports… you should see your Back in Motion therapist. Don’t assume you just have a “bad shoulder” or “bad hamstring” and nothing can be done…. Your therapist may be able to help you resolve the problem and help you get “Back in Motion”.
How can physiotherapy help my dizziness?
Your doctor or an ear specialist can rule out the more serious causes of dizziness. Some conditions may require medication or some other from of medical intervention to be controlled. Chronic dizziness can be caused by an imbalance in the vestibular system (a complex system that includes the eyes, inner ear, various parts of the brain and position sensors in the joints of the body). Sometimes the different parts of this system can give us mixed messages (like your eyes say you’re not moving but your inner ear says your head is turning) and this can cause dizziness. A physiotherapist who has been trained in vestibular rehabilitation, like Eric Mageau at Back in Motion, can help to establish what exactly is causing the imbalance and remove it if possible.
Some of the causes of dizziness that can be helped with physiotherapy treatments are:
- Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo
- dizziness from neuritis and labyrinthitis
- dizziness from the muscular system in conditions like whiplash, neck injuries, postural problems, repetitive or sedentary work postures and physical deconditioning
If the cause of your dizziness can’t be removed, you can often benefit from simple exercises and activities to help the processing centres in your brain learn to ignore the false signals and the dizziness may disappear or decrease to a more manageable level.
So if you have chronic dizziness or ‘benign’ dizziness you may be able to change how you cope with the problem and avoid the pitfalls of inactivity and isolation.
So come in and let us help you get back in motion – without dizziness